10 best natural keyword research tools for bloggers in 2023

What is keyword research tool

Best keyword research tool in 2023
Best keyword research tool


Keyword research tools are tools that help us to find and analyze the most relevant and popular keywords for our website . By using these tools , we can find the useful keywords to get in your content, which can help our website to rank higher in search engine results .

 10 best free & natural keyword research tools in 2023

As we know there are many  keyword Research tools available in market that provides keyword research , but today i will tell you the 10 best  keyword research tools in 2023 that are free to use 

1 : Spyfu

spyFu tool by Tech Times Jk

Free keyword research tools

SpyFu is one of the best & one of my favourite tool as it i totally free , it provides full freedom to user to research in depth . It provides all the necessary things that a researcher needs .  It is easy to use and provides valuable insights into the keywords that your competitors are using. Spyfu provides detailed information about the keywords that your competitors use, the cost of their keywords, their click-through rates, and their ad history. You can also get insights into the organic ranking of your competitors’ websites. Spyfu also allows you to compare your website’s performance to your competitors.
I have been using Spyfu for a few months now and I highly recommend it. It is easy to use and provides valuable insights into the keywords your competitors are using. I have found it to be a great tool for helping me optimize my website for search engines.


Provides Domain overview
Keyword Competition 
Top keywords
Top pages
Ranking History
Inbound links
Competetor shared Keywords
Top ads by google
Keyword gainer & loser

 2 : Google Keyword Planner

Free keyword research tools

Google Keyword Planner is a great keyword research tool to help us to find and choose the right keywords for our website. It helps us to  identify the best keywords for our website based on the amount of search volume and competition.

How to use google  keyword planner

To use Google Keyword Planner, first, go to the Adwords home page and sign in. Then, go to the Tools tab and select “Keyword Planner”. You can then enter in your website’s URL and any other details you want to search for and Google will give you a list of related keywords and their respective search volume and competition.

Overall, Google Keyword Planner is a great tool for keyword research and can help you find the right keywords for your website. It is easy to use and provides a lot of useful information. Highly recommended for anyone looking for an effective keyword research tool.


1 Get search volume : In this you have to enter the keywords of which you want the search volume Either upload keyword list of CSV File 

2 Discover New Keywords : 


 Get search volume

In this you have to enter the keywords of which you want the search volume Either upload keyword list of CSV File 


Discover New Keywords

In this you get two options ( 1 ) start with keywords ( 2) strat with  competetor website link 

 Most useful by get keywords by competetor website 





Avg. Monthly Searches






Top page cpc ( low )



Top page cpc ( High )



Organic impression rate



Repeat Searches


3Bing webmaster

Free keyword research tools

Bing Webmaster is the best one keyword research tool for . It provides detailed information on the number of searches for specific keywords, the average cost-per-click, and the competition level of each keyword. It also provides information on related keywords and phrases, as well as a comprehensive overview of the current keyword trends. Bing Webmaster is a great tool for those looking to maximize their SEO efforts, as it helps them identify the most effective keywords to target.Overall, Bing Webmaster is an easy-to-use keyword research tool that provides useful insights into the current keyword trends and competition levels. It is a great tool for those looking to optimize their SEO efforts and get the most out of their keyword research.


1 Keyword overview
 2  Global countries Keyword information

 List By 

Related Keywords                         Keyword                       Trends
Question Keywords                       Keyword                           Trends
Newly Discovered                         Keyword                              Trends

4 : Keyword Tool

Free keyword research tools in 2023

It is a free keyword tool by a href . It gives limited searches and data but has nice performance it usually shows updated data from search engines .

It allows you to search for relevant keywords and view the number of searches, competition, and cost per click. You can also view the estimated monthly search traffic for each keyword. This tool is easy to use, and provides valuable insights into the keywords you are researching.


Free keyword a href tool is an excellent keyword research tool. It provides valuable insights into the keywords you are researching, and it is easy to use. The data is accurate and up to date, making it a great tool for keyword research. Highly recommended.



 Related Keywords                          KD


Gives many related keywords more than you expect

5 : QuestionDB

QuestionDB keyword research tool 2023

Question DB is a amazing keyword research tool for those who need help in finding relevant keywords . You can then search for the keywords you need and filter them by relevance and other criteria to find the most relevant ones. The tool also allows you to save your searches and export your data to CSV, making it easy to store and analyze the data further. It is like a question website but here put the question of your niche & collect keyword related to that .



Allows users to store and categorize questions for easy retrieval.


Offers flexibility to customize question categories and labels to suit individual needs.


Allows for sharing of questions with other users.


Provides an efficient search engine to quickly find relevant questions.


Allows for the creation of multiple-choice, single-choice, and open-ended questions.


Provides the ability to store answers to questions for later use.


 Allows users to create custom reports and data tables.


Supports the ability to export questions and answers to other applications.


Enables users to track progress and performance on questions.


Allows users to add notes and comments to questions.

 6 : AnswerThePublic

answer the  public keyword tool

Answer the Public is a keyword research tool that helps you generate content ideas based on questions people are asking about a particular topic. Here you can find queries related to your niche & also you can find some keywords

Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Go to the Answer the Public website and type in a keyword or topic related to your business or industry.
  2. The tool will generate a visual representation of all the questions people are asking related to that topic.
  3. You can use these questions to come up with blog post ideas or to optimize your website’s content for those specific keywords.
  4. You can also use the “Data” and “Visualisation” tabs to get even more insights into the search queries related to your keyword or topic.

By using Answer the Public as a keyword research tool, you can gain valuable insights into what people are searching for, and create content that is relevant and helpful to your target audience.



Quick response to public inquiries


Easy to use interface


Accurate answers


Comprehensive search


Social media integration

 7 : Google search console 

Google Search Console keyword research tool in 2023 free

It has same features as bing webmaster , there is a little difference ,that is it shows data of your own website perfect keywords as well as site performance . Google Search Console can be used as a keyword research tool to identify the keywords that are driving traffic to our website.

How to use it 

Log in to your Search Console account and navigate to the “Performance” section. From there, you can see which queries users are typing in to find your site, along with the number of clicks, impressions, and click-through rates for each keyword. This data can be used to identify high-performing keywords that you can target in your content, as well as low-performing keywords that you can optimize or remove from your website. Additionally, you can use the “Pages” section to see which pages are ranking for specific keywords and optimize your content accordingly.




Search Analytics


URL Parameters


Mobile Usability


Security Issues






Indexing Keywords

 8 : Quora

Keyword research tool free

Quora can be used as a keyword research tool in several ways. Firstly, you can search for topics related to your niche or industry on Quora and analyze the questions people are asking. This can give you insights into the language people use to describe the topics and the common pain points they are facing.

Secondly, you can use Quora to find long-tail keywords by analyzing the questions and answers that people have posted. These can be valuable keywords that you may not have thought of otherwise.

Thirdly, you can use Quora to analyze the popularity of certain topics or keywords by looking at the number of views and upvotes on questions related to those keywords.

Overall, Quora is a great platform for conducting keyword research, gaining insights into your audience, and finding valuable long-tail keywords to use in your content.


1 Extensive database of questions and answers
2 Upvoting and Downvoting
3 Topic Follows
4 Question Suggestions
5 Topic Experts
6 Q&A Communities
7 Notifications
8 Search Functionality
9 Topic Pages
10 Discussions

 9 : Google Trends

Google Trends  tool

Google Trends is a powerful keyword research tool that can help you identify popular search terms and topics. You can choose your niche and search it on trends . After that choose a keyword and enter in google trends see its insights .It is one of the best & all time favourite of all bloggers .

To use Google Trends for keyword research, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to Google Trends and enter a keyword or topic related to your niche.
  2. Review the trend data to see how search volume for that keyword has changed over time.
  3. Explore related queries to identify additional keywords that may be relevant to your content.
  4. Use the “Compare” feature to compare multiple keywords and see which one is more popular.
  5. Refine your search by adjusting the location, time range, and category filters.
  6. Analyze the trend data to identify seasonal or long-term trends that may impact your content strategy.


1 Explore Real-Time Data
2 Compare Search Terms
3 Identify Regional Trends
4 Analyze Historical Trends
5 Create Customized Visualizations
6 Visualize Related Topics

 10 : Google 

Google official engine use as tool

Google offers a variety of features and tools that can help you with keyword research. Here are some ways to use Google as a keyword tool:

  1. Google Search: Start by typing in a search term related to your niche, and review the auto-suggestions that appear. These suggestions can give you an idea of popular keywords related to your topic.
  2. Google Analytics: This tool provides valuable data on how users interact with your website, including which keywords are driving traffic, bounce rates, and more.

By using these Google tools, you can gain valuable insights into the search behavior of your target audience, and create content that is optimized for the keywords they are searching for.


1 Keyword Research
2 Ad Group Ideas
3 Search Volume
4 Keyword Trends
5 Keyword Filters
6 Estimated CPCs
7 Negative Keywords
8 Competitor Analysis
9 Keyword Groupings

CONCLUSION : All the mentioned above top 10 free keyword research tool are best one out of one so it depends upon you . All the tools are good and give amazing performance . Feel free to contact us if any problem found .Thank You

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